Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)
The zoning board of appeals is the delegated authority that hear arguments from Lena residents on cases of zoning use and area variances. A variance allows property to be used in a manner that does not comply with the literal requirements of the zoning ordinance. There are two basic types of variances: use variances and area variances.
A “use variance” permits a use of the land for a purpose which is otherwise not allowed or is prohibited by the applicable zoning regulations. For example, if a piece of land is zoned for single-family residential use and the owner wishes to operate a retail business, the owner could apply to the zoning board of appeals for a use variance.
An “area variance”, allows for a use of land in a manner which is not allowed by the dimensional or physical requirements of the applicable zoning regulation. An area variance is needed when a building application does not comply with the set back, height or area requirements of the zoning ordinance. If an owner wants to build a deck on his house that encroaches slightly into a side yard set back area, he could apply to the zoning board of appeals for an area variance.
The current members of Village of Lena Zoning Board of Appeals are:
- Jeff Zeal, Chairman
- Kip Streckwald, Secretary
- Tom Chiles
- Ryan Buss
- Jim McCabe
- Cole Wickersham
- Pete Brown
Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings
ZBA meetings are held as needed at Lena Village Hall. All hearings of the ZBA are open to the public.
How to Apply for a Variance
A petition to see the ZBA must be filed with the Lena Village Clerk to begin the procedure. The Village Clerk will contact the Chairperson for the ZBA to set a hearing date. Contact Village Hall to discuss the information needed for your petition.